

Web DevelopmentWordPressJuly 22, 2021

What You Need to Know About Backing Up Your WordPress Website

Backing up your website is part of regular website maintenance. In case your website crashes due to malware or faulty plugins, you can restore your pages using a copy of its content and code. Keep reading to learn more about backing up your website and how to do it.

by: Kyle Rombaoa
CMSMagentoOutsourcingWeb ApplicationsWeb DevelopmentWordPressJuly 8, 2021

15-Point Website Maintenance Checklist

Website maintenance is the process of updating software and content on a website. It keeps pages fresh and competitive on the world wide web. In this blog, we prepared a list of tasks you need to accomplish to keep your site in top shape.

by: Jymyl Bandong
CMSMagentoOutsourcingWeb ApplicationsWeb DevelopmentWordPressJune 10, 2021

10-Point Website Launch Checklist

Website launches are crucial to forming brand trust. While it’s rare to get everything right on the first try, there are some non-negotiable features that need to run smoothly as soon as you go live. Check out our 10-point website launch checklist to guide you before publishing your web pages.

by: Kyle Rombaoa
CMSDesignMagentoOutsourcingWeb DesignWeb DevelopmentWordPressMay 20, 2021

How The Web Works: Understanding Webpages, Websites, and Search Engines

The web works by a series of complex events involving the client, web server, and IPS. As a web developer, it’s important to know how data flows and is eventually rendered. In this blog, we tackle those steps plus the relationship between websites, web pages, and search engines.

by: Ivan Bergonia
Web ApplicationsWeb DevelopmentWordPressMay 13, 2021

Why Web Plugins Matter

Plugins are independent software that add features to web pages without messing with the original code. Keep reading to learn the top advantages of using plugins on your website and some reminders to avoid poor web performance.

by: Kyle Rombaoa
CMSMagentoOutsourcingWeb ApplicationsWeb DevelopmentWordPressMay 6, 2021

Top 10 Cyber Attacks and How to Prevent Them

Hacking is a major concern for both consumers and website owners. Vulnerable websites deter users, harm brand trust, and expose sensitive data. Learn about the top 10 cybersecurity threats and what you can do to prevent them in this blog.

by: Jymyl Bandong
CMSOutsourcingUser ExperienceUser InterfaceWeb DesignWeb DevelopmentWordPressApril 29, 2021

10 Things to Consider When Building a Website

Building a website is a major decision that takes a considerable amount of effort and resources. Before you jump into web development and design, you need to consider your target audience, domain name, website speed, and others. Keep reading to learn more.

by: Ivan Bergonia
CMSWeb DevelopmentWordPressAugust 27, 2020

10 Ways to Speed Up Your WordPress Site

Site speed is a make-or-break factor in delivering a good user experience. Modern consumers are impatient and are likely to bounce when pages take too long to load. In this blog, we list 10 ways you can speed up your WordPress website.

by: Jymyl Bandong

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