
Web Applications

Description for Web Applications Category

Web ApplicationsWeb DevelopmentSeptember 16, 2021

A Basic Guide to Usability Testing

Usability testing measures the quality of user experience a product can provide. In this blog, we discuss the basics of usability testing: what it is, when to do it, and how to conduct a smooth usability test.

by: Ivan Bergonia
CMSMagentoOutsourcingWeb ApplicationsWeb DevelopmentWordPressSeptember 9, 2021

Why Regular Web Maintenance is Key for Online Success

Web maintenance is an absolute requirement for online success. It includes updating software, optimizing site speed, and improving user experience. In this blog, we detail the top reasons why you need ongoing web maintenance work on your pages. Keep reading to learn more.

by: Daniel Corpuz
DesignOutsourcingUser ExperienceWeb ApplicationsWeb DesignWeb DevelopmentSeptember 2, 2021

7 Ways to Improve Customer Service on Your eCommerce Website

Consumers remember you more for how well you deliver customer service. For eCommerce websites, extending customer service is trickier, but it’s just as crucial to success. In this blog, we discuss 7 ways you can improve customer service in your online store.

by: Pat Mapili
OutsourcingWeb ApplicationsWeb DevelopmentAugust 12, 2021

7 Best Website Malware Scanners

Malware monitoring and detection are necessary to prevent downtime. There are various anti-malware tools complete with firewalls and blacklist monitoring. With hundreds of options to choose from, we’ve gathered 7 of the best website malware scanners. Keep reading to learn more.

by: Ivan Bergonia
Web ApplicationsWeb DevelopmentJuly 29, 2021

10 Features You Should Consider for Your Next Web App

Web apps streamline business operations resulting in better productivity and sales. You can customize web apps to perform exactly what you need them to like generating analytics reports and providing customer service. Keep reading to learn 10 convenient for your next web app.

by: Daniel Corpuz
CMSMagentoOutsourcingWeb ApplicationsWeb DevelopmentWordPressJuly 8, 2021

15-Point Website Maintenance Checklist

Website maintenance is the process of updating software and content on a website. It keeps pages fresh and competitive on the world wide web. In this blog, we prepared a list of tasks you need to accomplish to keep your site in top shape.

by: Jymyl Bandong
CMSMagentoOutsourcingWeb ApplicationsWeb DevelopmentWordPressJune 10, 2021

10-Point Website Launch Checklist

Website launches are crucial to forming brand trust. While it’s rare to get everything right on the first try, there are some non-negotiable features that need to run smoothly as soon as you go live. Check out our 10-point website launch checklist to guide you before publishing your web pages.

by: Kyle Rombaoa
CMSOutsourcingWeb ApplicationsWeb DevelopmentJune 3, 2021

7 Javascript Frameworks and their Advantages

Choosing the right framework is a crucial step to ensure websites and applications run smoothly. In this blog, we look at seven of the best JavaScript frameworks, their advantages, and use cases.

by: Jymyl Bandong
Web ApplicationsWeb DevelopmentWordPressMay 13, 2021

Why Web Plugins Matter

Plugins are independent software that add features to web pages without messing with the original code. Keep reading to learn the top advantages of using plugins on your website and some reminders to avoid poor web performance.

by: Kyle Rombaoa

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